JEE Main Unfair Means: The NTA JEE Main 2025 Session 1 exams are ongoing, aspirants and parents are required to understand and know about the rules and regulations governing the exam.
Having all knowledge of the reasons for disqualification and JEE exam protocol is necessary.
JEE Main official schedule states that Paper 1 (BE/ BTech) will be held on 22, 23, 24, 28, and 29 January 2025 and Paper 2A (B. Arch), Paper 2B (B. Planning), and Paper 2A & 2B (B. Arch & B. Planning both) will be held on 30th January 2025. Every year, lakhs of candidates appear for the examination, but a surprisingly large number are disqualified from taking the exam.
Candidates go through document and identity verification and proceed to the exam hall. However, even after starting the paper, they are debarred from the exam due to administrative protocols and rules.
Below in this article, we have given detailed information on JEE Main Unfair Practices and rules to be followed in the exam center and inside the examination hall.
Unfair Means Case (UFM) in JEE Mains 2025
According to JEE Main information bulletin and Chapter 5 under 5.5 Unfair means practices and breach of examination rules candidates on exam day have to adhere to identification verification, exam behavior, use of unofficial material, prohibited time, exam timing, falsification of information, and more to take the exam successfully.
Unfair Means Practices:
- Carrying of Prohibited Items: No candidate is allowed. to carry any stationery, electronic device, food item, jewelry, accessories, or any material that could be used for unfair practices.
- Impersonation: Using someone else to write the exam or preparing material for cheating.
- Breaching Examination Rules: Breaking any rules or directions issued by NTA for JEE (Main) 2025.
- Assisting Others: Talking to any other candidates, helping candidates, cheating, or attempting to reach any candidate.
- Unauthorized Communication: Trying to contact any of the examination staff during the examination is unnecessary.
- Threatening Officials or Candidates: Threatening any officials or other candidates involved in the examination process.
- Using Unwanted Methods: Using any new method or methods to do cheating.
- Manipulation of Documents: No candidate is allowed to make changes to their documents such as JEE Admit Card, Self-Declaration, city initiation slip, scorecards, or certificates.
- Forceful Entry/Exit: Once the exam hall entry is closed, the authority will accept no requests. And once candidates are seated no one can leave the exam hall/center forcefully or without permission.
- Creating Obstacles: Candidates should not intentionally do things that can affect the smooth and fair conduct of the examination.
- Non-Participation/Distracting Behavior: Once the paper is distributed candidates can look here and there in the exam hall, nor do they have to take long intervals to write the paper.
- Possessing Bits of Paper: Any paper like chits, tissue paper, any other non-required document, or unauthorized pieces of paper.
- Other Malpractices: Any new actions or actions/behavior other than unfair by NTA are not allowed.
- Multiple Application Numbers: Any candidate with more than one application number (or multiple scorecards) will be treated as engaging in unfair means.
- Punishable Offense: Offenses under the Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 2024.
What happens if you are caught cheating in the JEE?
If any candidates are caught cheating breaking any rule or violating any Unfair Means during the JEE Main examination then action will be taken by the NTA.
Punishments for Unfair Means Practices:
- Debarment: Aspirants will not be allowed to take the given exams for 3 years from future exams. They will be banned.
- Criminal Action: Exam authority will take legal or other appropriate action as per the practice done by the candidate.
Cancellation of Result:
- Unfair Means: The result of candidates caught using unfair means will be canceled and not declared.
- Wrong Examination Center: Results of candidates appearing at a center other than their assigned one or allowing someone else to take the exam will be canceled.
- Multiple Appearances: Candidature of candidates will be cancelled who will be appearing in more than one session.
- No Pleas: NTA will not accept or entertain any appeals or pleas regarding any actions.
All the candidates taking the JEE main examination for the upcoming session should not try any practice on the exam day. All the best for the exam.
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