BCECE Application Form Correction 2025: Check Edit Process

BCECE 2025 Application Form Correction will be conducted in the first week of June 2025. BCECE (Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination) is the state level entrance examination controlled by the BCECEB.

Can i make changes in all the fields through BCECE 2025 application correction facility?…..

Those candidates who want to pursue pharmacy, agriculture, and technology courses from the private and government institutions of Bihar can appear in this test. It is organized in one stage. The correction facility will be available for the candidates who have submitted their applications before the last date.

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BCECE 2025 Application Form Correction 

Candidates can fill out the BCECE 2025 application form will be released in third week of April 2025. The application form will be made available only through online mode. The last date to fill out the application form will be till May 2025.

If by mistake, any of your mistakes remain in the application form then there will be an opportunity to correct that mistake after the submission of application form.

The board offers the facility to correct mistakes while filling out the application form, but it is advised to all aspirants to fill out the form carefully.

This facility will be made available in June 2025. The BCECE correction 2024 window will be opened only for a few days after the submission of the application form. Candidates are advised to not wait for the last day and to make corrections timely.

Once the application correction window will be closed no candidates will be allowed to make correction on the application and no requests will be entertained by the authority.

Also Check:

BCECE Eligibility Criteria

How to Edit BCECE 2025 Application Form

Candidates should check below steps for BCECE Application Form Correction 2025:

  • Visit the official website of BCECEB (link will be provided above).
  • Now, proceed further by providing details like Email Address, password & captcha code.
  • Application details will be displayed on your computer screen.
  • At last, the correction window page will open and you will be able to make correction in the application form.
  • Click on the ‘edit’ button and edit details carefully.
  • Crosscheck the details one or two times.
  • Now, click on the ‘submit’ button.
  • After submitting all the details take a printout of the application.
  • Keep it secure for other future references.

Course group and category fields will not be edited or altered online. If the candidate wants any changes in this field then, he/she will have to visit the office of the authority in person before the due date. No changes will be made after the closing date of the correction window.

BCECE 2025 Application Form

Candidates can fill out their application form through online mode. Candidates are advised to fill in details carefully i.e. educational, personal details, etc. There is no need to send a hard copy of the application form by post or other offline mode to the exam authority. Application form will be released in the third week of  April 2025.

Upload the scanned photograph and signature in the application form. Take a printout of the filled application form. Keep it secure till the other admission procedures are over. Exam authority will not provide any correction facility after the last date.

Application fees can be paid through online mode. Online application fees can be paid using debit card/ credit card/ net banking. Application fee is non-refundable in nature.

This article has included all the details regarding the BCECE 2025 application correction facility. Once the link is generated candidates can follow the instructions given here.

For any further assistance regarding BCECE 2025 Application Form Correction, you may ask us by submitting your comments in the comment box.


      1. I want to correct my name in application form. can I edit the name now ? Plz help me

  1. I have done a mistake in my filling economically weaker section but this mistake is losses for me. Is this mistake can be corrected online during correction period

  2. Mera district name of the institution of passing/appearing in qualifying exam patna bhara gaya hai jo siwan hoga

  3. at my portal there is no option for edit. now i did login again and again my account but there was only download your registration form i didn’t get any editing option. please help

  4. Good evening sir,
    I am from Delhi I made a mistake in my application form i.e. I don’t have a residence in Bihar but I filled yes in my application form and now there is option showing Bihar instead of new delhi and I filled my delhi address in address option but in state option it only shows bihar. will my application form get rejected ? How can I edit my mistake .
    Please help

  5. Sir,I made mistake in my 12 exam board name it is cbse and I fill ICSE can I change it
    Sir i need help in this matter


  7. Sir I want to change my exam centre .so will I change by editing applications form because distance of exam centre from my house is long

  8. Sir EWS quota not show in applications form how I edit sirr PLZZ say sirr plzzzz.
    I am waiting for your answer sirr

  9. Sir mera permanent tora glat ho gaya he corespondent address shi me last time edit krne ki kisis ki but nhi Ho paya ab kya kyu please help

  10. I taken admission in Bihar engineering college . My name Amar Kant is printed as amarkant . How will I correct it. plz suggest

  11. Sir actually i filled the Ugmnac counselling form for state counselling of bihar 2016 but my signature and photograph which i put in bihars counselling form and neet application form is different , can my form get cancelled??
    Also can i fill a fresh form ?? Would that cancel my candidature please help!! And authentic help only

  12. Sir
    During the ugmac 2016 counseling by mistake I have mentioned passing year of 12th 2012 instead of 2014 is any problem during admission if got clg

  13. sir, By mistake The DOB (Cyber cafe guys) have mentioned AT THE TIME OF FPRM FILLL 15/12/1983 but the actual DOB is 15/12/1982.
    I am qualified for this BCECE exam .sir let me know .what would the solution ..please

  14. Sir mera signature m mistake ho gaya hai aur correction date v khatm ho gaya h to ab correction kaise hoga

  15. I’ve applied for pmd in place of para medical in course group. can I able to change it in correction form

  16. Sir I have done a mistake in application form instead of writing gender female I wrote male and correction date has also passed plz tell me ehat to do now.

  17. I have corrected my photo and personal informations in application form. Now i will have to sent my comfirmation pages and all other details again to BCECE?

  18. sir i had made a mistake in bcece application form and now i have corrected it . i wanted to know whether i have to send the corrected form again to the bcece board again by post?
    sir please inform be about this as soon as possible.
    please sir

  19. sir i had made a mistake in bcece application form and now i have corrected it . i wanted to know whether i should send the corrected form again by post to bcece board?
    sir please inform me .

  20. sir i had made a mistake in bcece application form i have corrected it now. should i send the corrected form again to bcece board by post?

  21. Sir i changed my agriculture claim from no to yes and my permanent address, is there need to send hard copy of correction page

  22. sir i accident missed to written my state in bcece form and i m trying to edit my application form but i am fail to attempt to edit …i don’t know wht to do bcoz the last correction date comes closer .plz help me sir

    1. Sir 1 thing mah parents r from Bihar nd I too was born in Bihar but did mah schooling from Delhi.. I wrote mah permanent adress of Delhi ,,no address of bihar… Nd even sent mah form thru post …so if something mite b wrong so how can I correct it nd in place of Sign I wrote mah first name no surname soo is it wrong..plz reply

  23. Sir l have marked SMQ quota “NO” and at last a found that in my confirmation pages almost most of the details regarding me and my father was wrong. Will the correction option will help me.

  24. Sir.while filling the form of bcece medical there was no options regarding father’s income but while printing the confirmation page it was automatically given 4.5 lakhs.I belong to sc category. What should I do sir. Please help me

  25. sir if there is a mistake in my form.. and i would correct it too.. bt which one to send.. the one which is printed before or the form which is printef after the correction

  26. Sir,I accidentally uploaded a photograph of mine with no name and date written on it digitally..can u help me what to do?should I send the completed form with wrong photo or correct one?or I post the hardcopy after the correction..plz help me..

  27. sir,
    i want to correct my form .the form is fillup by offline.how can i edit my form.how is possible for offline candidate.

  28. I have registered in bcece. But now when i am entering my registration no. and password, it says that this candidate is not registered. I have also paid my application fee. What should I do?

  29. Sir, I have done mistake in filling fathers income and economically backward section.
    Is this mistske can be corrected online during correction period?

  30. Sir,I want to claim for agriculture course but I have done mistake during filling form.Can I correct it during correction period?

  31. sir
    i have filled sc in bcece form but i am obc what should i do. shall i post my document to bcece or i should wait plzz help….

  32. By mistake I have given my index finger print . Bcz it was asked for aimpt
    So will it be an issue or I have to change it nd give my left hand thumb print.???
    Nd I have downloaded some files I need to send u on ur mail nd I’m not able to understand exactly wat to do with it

  33. sir,i have done my 10th from Rajasthan and 12th from Karnataka bt my parents stays in Bihar .While filling the form they r asking for District Name of the Institution of Passing / Appearing at I.Sc. or Equivalent*.wt i m suppose to fill here.Pls help me

  34. I had given the wrong date on the photo ie uploaded…. what can I do? is it necessary to give the date of January on the photo….

    1. sir i passed my class 10 in 2014 but by mistake i wrote 2004 in the application form. sir plz tell me should send the hardcopy incorrect or i should wait for the correction time

  35. Hello sir
    My school name is Shri Ramakrishna Sarada Ashrama Math and Mission Vivekananda Central School . In my class 10th and 12th admit card & report card in place of school its been written Shri Ramakrishna Sarada Ashrama Math and Mission and while filling the BCECE application form I filled Vivekanada Central School in place of Shri Ramakrishna Sarada Ashrama Math and Mission so do I need to correct that during correction period?

  36. My school name is Shri Ramakrishna Sarada Ashrama math and mission Vivekananda Central school and in my 10th and 12th admit card and report card its been written Shri Ramakrishna Sarada Ashrama math and mission in place of school and I have filled Vivekananda Central School in place of that in my BCECE application form by mistake so do I need to correct that during corecction period?????

  37. Sir I have given wrong school address.in place of siwan I have written chapra in bcece engineering.how can I correct it ? Please help me

  38. Hello sir,
    I accidentally uploaded a photograph of mine with no placard instead my name and date written on it digitally, can you please help me what to do?
    Should I send the completed form with the wrong (without placard) picture or correct (with placard) one?
    And then what to do?
    I am really tensed because of it.

  39. Sir,while filling my form on part-A I wrote wrong code on point 13. which says- District Code of the Institution of passing/appearing at I.Sc equivalent, but on part-B I have written correct details about class 12th.Is it OK? What should I do,can I correct it? Please inform me.

  40. Sir maine bcece form me EBC caste fill ho gya h par mai OBC hu .ye mistake mujhse ho gya h .kya mai form ko bcece office post kar du ya phir correction date 6-11 march ka wait karo then before 19 march tak post kro….
    Advice me plz …..

  41. Sir i fill in form EBC caste inspite of OBC .
    Should i post my form to given address or wait for correction date.

  42. sir,I have filled district code of the institution of passing I.Sc. Siwan(13) Instead of other(99),than what have to do for correction of this mistake.please inform me

  43. sir, it was a mistake to mark myself as not economically backward due to poor reference in the form but i m so. what can i do ??

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