Tamil Nadu also referred as the Land of Tamils is located in the southern part of the country. This state shares its border with three states, i.e. Karnataka, Kerala and Andhra Pradesh. It is the 11th largest state of India covering an area of 130, 058 kms. The literacy rate of the Tamil Nadu state is 80.09 % (according to the census 2011). Tamil Nadu is one of the most literate states of the country. Through this article, students can check the information regarding Top Medical Colleges in Tamil Nadu 2017.
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List of Medical Colleges 2017
Here at Sarvgyan.com, we have created a list of top medical colleges in Tamil Nadu. In this catalogue, we have listed the top medical government and private institutions /colleges of this state.
Also Check: Top Medical Colleges in Tamil Nadu 2018
How we have rated the Institutions
We have rated the universities and colleges on the basis of different factors such as college infrastructure, national importance, approval from MCI (Medical Council of India) and DCI (Dental Council of India), students preferences, etc.
Admission Procedure
Students seeking for admission in medical courses in Tamil Nadu state will get admission on the basis of national level medical examination NEET 2017 (National Eligibility Entrance Test). NEET examination is organized by the CBSE Board for providing admission to students in MBBS and BDS courses.
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MBBS Admission in Tamil Nadu 2017
Top Medical Colleges in Chennai 2017
Top Medical Courses
There are various UG medical courses are trending now such as MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) and BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery). The various specializations of PG medical courses MD/MS are Anaesthesiology, Forensic Medicine, Microbiology, Anatomy, Orthopaedics, etc.
College | Established | Affiliated To |
Madras Medical College, Chennai | 1835 | Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University |
Government Vellore Medical College, Vellore | 2005 | Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University |
Madurai Medical College, Madurai | 1954 | Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University |
Kanyakumari Government Medical College, Kanyakumari | 2001 | Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University |
Thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur | 1958 | Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University |
Christian Medical College, Vellore | 1900 | Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University |
Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore | 1966 | Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University |
Meenakshi Medical College Hospital and Reserach Institute, Chennai | 2003 | Meenakshi University |
Government Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai | 1960 | Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University |
Government Chengalpattu Medical College, Kancheepuram | 1965 | Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University |
Tirunelveli Medical College, Tirunelveli | 1965 | Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University |
Sree Mookambika Institute of Medical Sciences, KanyaKumari | 2006 | Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University |
K.A.P.Viswanatham Government Medical College ,Tiruchirappalli | 1997 | Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University |
Thoothukudi Government Medical College, Thoothukudi | 2001 | Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University |
PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Coimbatore | 1985 | Tamil Nadu Medical University |
SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Chennai | 2005 | SRM University |
Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, Kanchipuram | 2006 | Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R Medical University |
Chennai Medical college Hospital & Rsearch Centre, Trichirappalli | 2008 | Dr MGR University |
Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai | 1984 | Bharath University |
Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Institute of Medical Sciences, Kancheepuram | 1986 | Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University |
Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences, Kanchipuram | 2009 | Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University |
Thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur | 1959 | Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University |
Government Sivagangai Medical College and Hospital, Sivaganga | 2012 | Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University |
Tamil Nadu Government Dental College, Chennai | 1953 | Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University |
Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai | 1987 | Public |
Sairam Group of Institutions, Chennai | 1989 | Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University |
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute, Kancheepuram | 2008 | Sri Balaji Vidhyapeeth Deemed University |
AVREFA College of Ayurveda, Coimbatore | 1978 | TN Dr. M.G. R. Medical University |
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