Shimla is the capital city and the largest city of the state Himachal Pradesh. Besides its hilly beauties, Shimla is also famous for pursuing education in different fields. Shimla is home to the number of institutions and colleges which are famous across the country. Different colleges & institutions in Shimla offer education in the field of engineering, technology, management and many others. The average literacy rate of the people of Shimla is 83.64 % as per the census 2011. Here students can check the list of Top Engineering Colleges in Shimla 2017.
List of Engineering Colleges
Here at, we are presenting a list of top engineering colleges in Shimla 2017. In this list we have included the reputed government & private colleges offer quality education in engineering field.
Also Check: Top Engineering Colleges in Shimla 2018
How we have rated the Institutions
In our list of top engineering colleges in Shimla we have rated the colleges on the grounds of several factors such as student’s preferences, placement status, quality education, college infrastructure & facilities, faculty ratio, college affiliation & approval, etc.
Admission Procedure
Admissions in B.Tech courses offered by various colleges of Shimla gives admission on the basis of JEE Main examination. Many universities organize their own entrance test for admissions in engineering courses. For admissions candidates are needed to qualify the national level or university level exam organized by the respective authorities. Some colleges offer admission in M.Tech courses through GATE examination 2017.
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Top Engineering Colleges in Himachal Pradesh 2017
B.Tech Admission in Himachal Pradesh 2017
Top Engineering Specializations
Some top engineering specializations offered by different colleges in Shimla are Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & communication Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.
College | Established | Affiliated To |
University Institute of Information Technology, Shimla | 2000 | Himachal Pradesh University |
Alakh Prakash Goyal Shimla University, Shimla | 2004 | Private University |
Bells Institute of Management & Technology, Shimla | 2008 | Himachal Pradesh University |
Bahra University, Shimla | 2011 | Private University |
Shoolini University, Shimla | 2003 | Private University |
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