Top Engineering Colleges in Bhopal 2017: List & Rating

Top Engineering Colleges in Bhopal 2017Bhopal is a capital city of the state of Madhya Pradesh. This city is also famous as “City of Lakes”. Bhopal is the 17th largest city of the country. As per the census 2011, the average literacy rate of Bhopal is 80.37 %. Besides scenic surroundings, this city is also famous for pursuing education. There are many reputed colleges are situated in this city which offers education in different fields such as engineering, management, etc. Here we are providing the list of Top Engineering Colleges in Bhopal 2017.

List of Engineering Colleges

Here at, we are presenting a list of top engineering colleges in Bhopal 2017. This list comprises of Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (NIT), Lakshmi Narain College of Technology and other reputed engineering colleges.

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How we have rated the Institutions

In this list, we have rated the colleges on the grounds of various factors like college affiliation & approval, placement records, college infrastructure & facilities, national importance, student’s preferences, etc.

Admission Procedure

There is no state level examination is organized for providing admissions in engineering courses. Candidates are required to qualify the JEE Main 2017 national level exam for admission in B.Tech courses. Some institutions conduct their separate exam for providing admission to students. For admission in M.Tech courses, candidates can appear in the GATE 2017 national level examination.

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Top Engineering Specializations

Some top engineering specializations offered by various colleges are Aeronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

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