Assam is the northeastern state of India. As per 2011 census, the literacy rate of Assam is 73.18%. Higher education in Assam is imparted through number of educational institutions/colleges. The reputed colleges in Assam include Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati and National Institute of Technology Silchar which impart education in engineering field. Here, we are providing the list of Top Engineering Colleges in Assam 2017.
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List of Engineering Colleges
Here at, we have created a comprehensive list of top engineering colleges in Assam for the year 2017. The list contains government, private and autonomous engineering colleges that offers 4-year undergraduate engineering courses.
How we have rated the Institutions
After complete analysis and research, we have created a list of engineering colleges of Assam. We have rated the colleges on the basis of their placement statistics, affiliation, infrastructure, academic excellence, national importance, student’s preferences and facilities offered by the college.
Admission Procedure
B.Tech admission in Assam is carried out through both Assam CEE (Assam Combined Entrance Examination) and JEE Main. Assam CEE is a state level examination regulated by Dibrugarh University, Assam. It is organized for providing admissions into undergraduate engineering programme. Students who wish to pursue B.Tech from IITs are required to appear and qualify JEE Advanced. Only JEE Main qualifiers will be eligible to apply for JEE Advanced examination.
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B.Tech Admission in Assam 2017
Top Engineering Specializations
Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) is available in many disciplines. The most sought engineering disciplines are Computer and Science Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Chemical Engineering.
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