K S School of Business Management, Ahmedabad
K S School of Business Management, Ahmedabad is affiliated to Gujarat University and was started in the year 1998. It is approved by UGC and imparts education only in the field of computer applications and management.
The institution is situated in Navrangpura, Ahmedabad. The institution has world-class infrastructure with all the modern and latest facilities. The campus has a separate administrative block and student blocks.
For the all round development and recreation of students the institution provides various necessary facilities such an advanced computer centre, a library which has a vast collection of books on different subjects and it also has subscribed to various national and international journals. The classrooms which are equipped with requisite facilities and additional facilities like audio-visual equipment, LCD’s and overhead projectors. The institution has a seminar hall which is equipped with projectors, microphone, a surround sound system and a step-up podium for guest sessions. Other facility comprises of sports facility, gymnasium with fitness center, cafeteria, auditorium, medical facility, etc.
K S School of Business Management offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the field of management. It offers undergraduate programme like Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and post-graduate programme like Master of Business Administration (MBA) in the field of management. In the first year students study all the subjects related to the field of management to clear their basics and in the second year they can take any of the specializations of their choice.
The institution has a placement cell which organizes workshops, seminars, industry visits to generate confidence among students before campus placement. The placement cell encourages the students to take up Industry related projects independently. The placement cell also prepares students for group discussion, mock interviews and aptitude tests etc.