TS LAWCET 2025 Counselling will begin in August 2025. Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) organizes the common counselling for all category candidates. It is a state level entrance exam conducted by the Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Do you know what is TS LAWCET 2025 counselling spot admission? If not read below…….
Every year a huge number of candidates appear in the TS LAWCET for getting admission to the Law courses. Candidates can get admission to the government and private universities and its affiliated colleges of the Telangana state.
Queries? Tell Us Here
Candidates can get here all the information regarding TS LAWCET Counselling 2025 including important dates, admission process, and more.
TS LAWCET 2025 Counselling
TS LAWCET Counselling 2025 will be organised for qualified candidates in the written entrance exam. Candidates are shortlisted on the basis of merit list prepared by the authority which is based on the candidate’s performance in the examination.
Counselling will be organized after the declaration of the result. Document verification will be done through offline mode. The counselling (web options) will be conducted through online mode only. For online web counselling, candidates need to register themselves on the website first. Candidates have to verify their documents at one of the designated document verification centres.
Also Check:
TS LAWCET Counselling 2025 Dates
Here in the given table candidates must check TS LAWCET 2025 Counselling schedule:
Events | Dates 2025 (Tentative) |
Issue of notification | 4th week of July 2025 |
Online registration cum verification, online fee payment along with uploading scanned copies of certificates for verification | 1st week of August 2025 |
Last date to register | 4th week of August 2025 |
Physical verification of special category certificates (NCC/ CAP/ PH/ Sports) by slot booking | 2nd week of August 2025 |
Display of list of registered candidates | 4th week of August 2025 |
Exercising web option for phase 1st | 5th week of August 2025 |
Edit of web option for phase 1st | 5th week of August 2025 |
List of provisionally selected candidates will be prepared college wise and will be placed in the website | 5th week of August 2025 |
Reporting at the concerned college for verification of original documents along with tuition fee payment challan | 1st week of September 2025 |
Commencement of class work | |
2nd Counselling | |
Online registration cum verification, online fee payment along with uploading scanned copies of certificates for verification | 3rd week of September 2025 |
Last date to register | Till 3rd week of September 2025 |
Display of list of registered candidates | 4th week of September 2025 |
Exercising web option for phase 2nd | 4th week of September 2025 |
Edit of web option for phase 2nd | 4th week of September 2025 |
List of provisionally selected candidates will be prepared college wise and will be placed on the website | 1st week of October 2025 |
Reporting at the concerned college for verification of original documents along with tuition fee payment challan | 2nd week of October 2025 |
Spot Admission | – |
To get admission to the university and its affiliated colleges, it is necessary to appear in the TS LAWCET written test. After a few days of the declaration of the result, the counselling schedule will be declared by the council.
The certificate verification will start in first week of August 2025. The web options will be exercised from last week of August 2025. TS LAWCET 2025 counselling will be organized in various rounds.
Candidates must attend the counselling on prescribed date and time. Second round counselling registration will begin in third week of September 2025 for CAP round II.
TS LAWCET Counselling Procedure 2025
- Go to the official website link (Link will be given above).
- Get registered on the website by filling in the necessary login details.
- After the successful registration process, a selection page opens where the candidate has to exercise the options.
- Enter your login details and select the college and subject stream from the displayed colleges and courses list.
- Candidates need to choose the stream and college on the basis of their rank in the merit list.
- An OTP is sent to the candidate’s registered mobile number on successful completion of exercising options.
- A confirmation text is sent to the candidate’s registered mobile number.
TS LAWCET Admission 2025
After releasing the allotment letter candidates need to report to the allotted college and complete the admission related process. Candidates have to show the original documents along with the admission fee. After the allotment of seats, an admission order letter is provided to the candidates.
The allotment letter order will be downloaded from the website on the due date. If the documents, submitted by the candidates are incorrect with those original certificates, then the candidature of the candidate gets rejected.
Candidates must have to register themselves & submit the counselling fee. After fee submission candidates need to report at the designated centre for the verification of documents.
Seats are allotted to candidates on the basis of options filled, category, rank, and seat availability. Candidates are required to report to the allotted colleges to complete the admission procedure.
If you have any queries regarding TS LAWCET Counselling 2025, you may ask us by leaving your query below in the comment box.
Sir I’m not uploaded provisional certificate so there are any chance to re-uplod my certificate
You are advised to mail your queries with officials.
I am not choosed the web option in 2nd round of phase.
What I can do or proceed.
Pls clarify the said issue.
You can mail your queries with officials.
I qualified the TS lawcet Rank (10252) but I didn’t get the seat in 2nd phase of Counselling.
It will be known to you by officials at the time of counselling.
I got 6974 Rank but I didn’t get seat in 2 phases,what shall I do?
And I have observed many students got seat after getting rank more than mine
You are advised to contact officials for same.
Sir am not register for counselling am intrested to join llb now what i do
You are advised to register for round 2 started from today i.e on 11th December 2023
I got “Seat not alloted” in first phase counselling. Do we have second phase couselling or not.
You must wait if authority releases dates & details regarding second round.
I have not got my seat allotted in first phase next what
You are advised to wait for next round.
as per the guidelines, I got allotted seat in one law college. accordingly, I took admission in the allotted college depositing prescribed fee and certificate in first phase and now, my query is that I want tochange/slide down the college in the second web option ; is it possible ? if, explain the procedure ?
You are advised to contact officials for same.
I applied through special category NCC in 1st phase.No one got seat through NCC special category. I got 8961 rank and in 1st phase I didn’t got seat in any of the 5 colleges I opted.
You are advised to contact officials for same.
I have missed by 1st counselling registration online due to sudden health issues at home.please help me out as i need take admission in Law this year.
You are advised to wait for the authority if they provide other round for counselling process.
I had registered and uploaded all my certificates in ts lawcet counseling registration website but it is not showing my rank card it came 404 server error!!! Will any problem can occur in further process in counseling please reply me soon 🥺🥺🥺
You are advised to try again using different browser.
How do we get seat options for preferred colleges through EWS quota
You must check admission brochure to know detailed information about TS LAWCET admission.
Ts lawcet 2023 results are released in June month almost 6 months are completed since exam date. Why counseling date is always delaying? When they will release exact counseling date? We are eagerly waiting for it!!!!
It all depends on officials. Any such dates or details regarding counselling will be updated in our article when out officially.
Plszzz release official councelling date till how many months it takes time cause of this how we are facing delay of studies.
We will updates the date in our article when out officially.
Getting rid of waiting at home nil! myself I finished my senior school nd written tslawcet in may!! counseling is not yet started 😑 when does it starts???
It all depends on officials. Any such date or details will be updated in our article when out officially.
Counsiling when please inform
TS LAWCET 2023 Counselling dates & details are yet to be released.
When will be conducted TS lawcet counselling
It will be updated in our article when out officially.
When ts lawcet2023 online submit qualifying certificates
When ts lawcet2023 online registration for counsiling date
When will ts lawcet 2023 counseling registration start?
TS LAWCET 2023 Counselling Registration dates & details are yet to be released.
When it will be released?
TS LAWCET 2023 counselling dates & details are yet to be released.
When will Lawcet counselling
Registration will start
Counselling will be started soon in August 2023. Keep checking the website to know the latest updates.
Need 3 years LLB admission
I am not attending Frist counciling certificate verification
But if i have chance to secound counciling?
You must ask the officials regarding this query.
Why is ts lawcet 2023 counseling not started yet?
It all depends on officials. Any date or details provided officially will be updated in our article when out officially.
Ihave n0t alloted the seat in the phase 1 . What steps should I take for the allotment.
ou must wait for the second round to start.
Those who don’t get seat in first phase need to pay fees for second phase Lawcet counselling.
Sir I have paid counseling fee and uploaded certificates i got 877 rank but showing invalid in Web option
You must contact the official authorities regarding this issue.
Date of Physical certificate verification of certificates. Is there any extension
Hello Sir, I am trying to register for counselling but it is giving me URL Error and today is the last date. How can I register, is there any option of late fee, and register? Please let me know?
TS LAWCET 2022 Counselling Registration has been extended till 15th November 2022. Here is the direct link counselling to register for the same.
Registration started I have all certificates but I lost my t.c. to get duplicate from college there is lengthy process pls help me
I have lost my graduate transfer certificate original but I have a duplicate copy with college attestation is it valid. Can I get admission in llb.
You must have all the required documents for verification.
I got 1241 rank in 5ydc will I get addmission in sultan ul Uloom college of law
It will be known to you by officials at the time of counselling.
Sir, I got 464 rank ts lawcet2022(5 years LLB)& I belongs to BC-B category,Is it possible to get a seat in osmania university?
Seats will be allotted to you by the official authorities.
Hi Sir, I got 5000 rank in ts lawcet but I’m belongs to AP, is it possible me to get a seat with this rank.
Kindly let me know when councelling will start in TS. I’m waiting. Please respond
Seat allotment details will be known to you by the official authority.
Hi sir
I was checking on the possibilities of getting seat or not.
It will be known to you whenever seat allotment will be released.
Sir, i got 1158 Rank in TS PGLCET and belongs to BC-B Category will i get seat in LLM College.
It will be known to you by officials at the time of counselling.
Sir when the counciling
Counselling is expected to start soon in October 2022. You must be with us for the latest updates.
Then no seat in counseling then what should i do???
My rank is 1849 marks 46 so I’m scared about it
You must contact the official authorirty regarding this matter.
Sir please say when lawcet will start in Telangana
Counselling will be started soon. You must keep checking our articles for the latest updates.
Sir from when online registration will be start for
ts law CET councelling
The registration process will be started officially. We will update the link in our article when out officially.
Sir how can I log in to the first phase allotment candidates login link
Sir how can I download my first phase collage allotment order copy&joining report
You can check it through login details.
Sir any spot addmissions in d tslawcet 3 yr course,pl.inform,if yes when it will b.tq
When Ts lawcet 2nd phase starts ?
Counselling schedule for 2nd round is not yet released. We will update in our article whenever it will be released.
When ts lawcet2023 online registration for counsiling date
TS LAWCET 2023 counselling dates & details are yet to be released.
Sir iam interested in doing law iam 39 now, due to some personal problems i completed my education in distance.
I qualified in lawcet 2021
When i went to apply online certificate verification they said that my certificates are irrigular
In between my degree i completed my inter one sitting
By 2021 i completed my degree and PG in Dr.Ambadker university
Sir iam interested in studying law
Sir please what should i do.
Hello Sir, I have secured 2500 rank in TS LawCET (3 year LLB). I am a non local and therefore my web option has been rejected mentioning that I am a non local and can not opt for web option. Please advise what is the process for a non local and what are the chances to get admission with my rank of 2500?
Sir when will the counseling for non local students starts?
Sir I got 1021 rank. Recently I lost my original 10th marksmemo 2000 passout. I have Xerox copy. Is it possible to upload with Xerox copies. Is it acceptable. Please reply.. thank you
Is BA LLB easy or BCOM LLB easy
Can I register in counciling through Xerox copies of academic year
No, you must have to present original documents at the time of verification.
Hello Sir/madam,
I am applying online registration, it was not accepting at final stage after uploading all required document, whats the problem, can u explain us and is there any option for these.
Thanking you
What are counseling centres at Hyderabad .
Hii I am krishna sindhura sadu I got 3393 rank on ts lawcet for 5years LLB can I get the seat in councilling plz give reply
Hi Iam suram anusha in ts lawcet exam I got 1228rank and also I am physically handicap student from BC B category in which college I get my seat so plz tell me
1. Is there any procedure of registration before councling?
When will council conduct the councilling of lawcet for 5years law course
It will be updated in our article when dates will be out officially.
When would be the Ts-law cet councilng..for 3 years course..2021
Kindly give the date of registration for counselling for ou lawcet 2021
When would counseling commence. Pl confirm.
What’s the exact date for tslawcet counselling..!?
Dates will be updated in our article soon after the confirmation from authority, till then stay tuned and keep checking our article regularly for latest updates.
Ts lawcet councilling dates pleas in telangana
what is the fees for 3year law course?
What if we don’t get alloted seat in the first phase
You should keep trying until the last phase.
Sir I am not attend phase 1 counciling so nenu second phase ki attend avali anikutuna but second phase counciling epudu start avuthundi
Sir when will be phase 2 counciling takes place
i have submitted documents but it showing invalid credentials,rank-10741-sc.
Igot 458th rank in Lawcet 2020
and I completed web option successfully but I was nt allotted college inthe Ist phase. Why
Sir please tell me about exact counciling date of ts lawcet 2020 and how to do registration for certificate verification please
Official didn’t announce any exact dates yet, please wait and keep checking for further updates.
Plz give the information about tslawcet 2020 counseling date
Sir give me the information about counselling date of ts lawcet
What are the documents required for 3 years law councelling
We have provided the list of documents in our article.