NDA (II) 2025 SSB Interview Registration will be started after the declaration of written test result. SSB (Service Selection Board) is an organization which is set-up by the Ministry of Defence, India. Service Selection Board is the body that schedule, organize and conduct the SSB Interview of the candidates applying for Indian Military Forces.
What will be selection procedure for NDA 2025?…Know details from below.
SSB Screens the candidates for the Army, Navy and Air Force. SSB Interview is five days long procedure which includes two stages of testing as stage I & stage II. This procedure will be organized at the SSB Centers (designated by SSB). SSB Interview also includes Intelligence & Personality Test.
Have any other query? Let's ask.
Here, we have updated the complete details about SSB Interview which includes updates for SSB exam, preparation tips & books, SSB Interview dates and SSB online procedure.
SSB NDA 2025 Dates
Here, candidates can check the dates related to the NDA exam including all procedures till selection procedure:
Events | Dates 2025 (Announced) | |
NDA I | NDA II | |
Notification release date | 11th December 2024 | 28th May 2025 |
Registration Starts from | 11th December 2024 | 28th May 2025 |
Last date to submit registration form | 1st January 2025 | 17th June 2025 |
Application correction window | 1st – 7th January 2025 | 2nd week of June 2025 |
Application withdraw | 1st – 7th January 2025 | June/ July 2025 |
Releasing of admit card | 4th week of March 2025 | 4th week of August 2025 |
NDA 2025 exam date | 13th April 2025 | 14th September 2025 |
Declared of result | 1st week of May 2025 | September 2025 |
Interview dates | May/ June 2025 | September/ October 2025 |
SSB Examination
Candidates applying for the Army/ Navy/ Naval Academy and Air Force will have to secure the minimum qualifying marks separately in written test & Officer Potentiality Test.
Candidates applying for the Air Force, they will also have to qualify the Computerised Pilot Selection System (CPSS) & Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) separately.
PABT Test will be applicable for the candidates those First choice is Air Force. PABT will also be organized for all SSB qualified candidates with one of the choices as Air Force.
Pilot Aptitude Battery Test (PABT) will be a unique test. Its aim to assess a candidate’s aptitude to be trained as a pilot. Candidates will only take PABT once in a lifetime. PABT will consist of three tests, i.e. Instrument Battery Test (INSB), Control Velocity Test (CVT) and Sensory Motor Apparatus Test (SMA).
Also Check:
SSB Interview Round
Candidates have to qualify one of the exams for undergoing the SSB Interview. The exams are:
- National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (NDA & NA Exam)
- Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE)
- Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT)
SSB Interview will be scheduled for the qualified candidates followed by upper given exams. It will be necessary for all qualified candidates to appear in the SSB Interview round for final selection.
The final selection will be made on the basis of the marks secured by the candidates in the examination & SSB Interview. Candidates will have to report for SSB rounds on the date intimated to the candidates in the call letter for interview.
The SSB interview consists of two stages i.e. stage I and stage II. The stage (I) will consist of Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) and Picture Perception & Description Test (PP & DT). The stage (II) will consist of Interview, Group Testing Officer Tasks, Psychology Tests and the Conference. These test will be organized over 4 or 5 days. The entire process will carry 900 marks.
SSB Interview Procedure
The SSB Interview Procedure will comprise of two stage selection process: Stage I & Stage II. Candidates, those will qualify the Stage I, only they will be permitted to appear for Stage II. The complete procedure is given below:
Stage 1: This stage will consist of Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) tests and Picture Perception & Description Test (PP & DT). Stage 1 is a screening test. Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of combined performance in OIR Test and PP & DT.
Stage 2: This stage will be conducted for four (4) days. Stage II consists of Psychology Tests, Group Testing Officer Tasks (GTO Tasks), Interview & Conference.
Five Days SSB Selection Procedure
Day 0 (Reporting):
On this day, candidates will have to report to the selection center. Candidate’s original documents along with photocopies will be verified. After the documents verification, Personal Information Questionnaire (PIQ) Forms will be filled.
PIQ Forms: In this form, candidates will have to fill their personal details regarding educational profile, family background, etc. This form will be very important. It forms a base of questions, which might be put to an aspirant at the individual interview round. The responses will be analyzed by the psychologist of the Board.
Day 1 (Screening Test):
On the next day, it will be the Stage 1. Candidates will have to give an Intelligence Test (Verbal & Non-Verbal) & Picture Perception Test. In PP test, slide (hazy or clear) is shown for 30 seconds & candidates have to write the story. After finishing this test, the group discussion round takes place. This sequence is commonly known as Picture Perception and Discussion Test (PPDT).
Intelligence Test: It will comprise of both; verbal and non-verbal questions. It is a written test which will include multiple choice questions. The time allotted to answering each question is 30 seconds.
Picture Perception and Discussion Test (PP & DT): This test will include story writing and discussion. A picture will be shown to the candidates for 30 seconds and candidates have to write a story based on the picture in 3 minutes.
Day 2 (Psychology Tests):
It is a set written tests, organized by a Psychologist. In these tests, candidates psychological suitability will be checked to be an officer. These tests include:
- Thematic Apperception Test (TAT): It will be called as Picture Story writing. This test is very similar to PPDT. In this test, about 11 pictures will be shown. Each picture will be displayed just for 30 seconds after that candidates have to write a story based on the picture within 4 minutes. After 4 minutes another picture will be displayed and the same procedure will be followed till the last slide. The twelfth slide will be blank where a candidate is supposed to write any story of their own choice.
- Word Association Test (WAT): It will be the second psychological test of SSB selection procedure. In this test, 60 words will be shown back to back for a period of 50 seconds. Candidates will have to write the first thought that comes to their mind for those words.
- Situation Reaction Test (SRT): In this test, candidates will get a booklet with 60 situations written on it. Candidates have to write their responses based on those 60 situations.
- Self Description Test (SD): In this test, candidates have to write their opinion about their parents, themselves, friends, teachers & others. The time will be allotted 15 minutes.
Day 3 & Day 4 – Group Testing Officer Tasks (GTO Tasks):
These Tests are interactive indoor and outdoor activities as a combination of mental and physical work. These tests are as follows:
- Group Discussion: In this round, a certain situation or topic (mostly current affairs) is given to a group of candidates. They are expected to discuss the various aspects of the issue. Group Task Officer observes each candidate during the course of the group discussion.
- Group Planning Exercise (Military Planning Exercise): In this round, a model of real life practical circumstances is presented to a group of applicants. They have to write their own plan of action for the mentioned problem.
- Progressive Group Tasks (PGT): In this round, the group of candidates has to cross some obstacles with the help of supporting materials such as rope, plank, wood log etc.
- Half Group Tasks: This round is same as PGT but the numbers of group members will half. Candidates get more chance to show their potential.
- Individual Obstacles: In this round, candidates are required to attempt 10 obstacles individually.
- Group Obstacles Race or Snake Race: In this round, all group members will compete to the other groups. Candidates are required to cross certain obstacles with the snake-like rope.
- Command Task: In this task, an aspirant will be a commander. He will be required to cross some obstacles with the help of 2-3 subordinates.
- Lecturette: In this round, each individual has to give a lecture for 3 minutes on a topic selected by them.
- Final Group Task: It is same as PGT. Candidates have another chance to show their potential.
On the same day, the candidate’s interview will be conducted. It involves a personal conversation with an Interviewing Officers.
Day 5 (Conference):
On the final day, candidates & all the SSB board member sit together and have a chat to the candidates to ask a few general questions. The conference is just to decide whether you recommend as an officer in Indian defense forces or not. Candidates are required to come before the complete Board of Examiners, which is consisted of President, Deputy President, all the GTOs, all the psychologists and Technical Officer.
Within an hour, the SSB result will be declared after completion of the board meeting. Selected candidates undergo medical test for further 3 or 5 days. After qualifying candidate’s medical test, the final merit list will be announced.
SSB Preparation Tips
SSB NDA preparation schedule must be well-planned and organized. Prepare for the exam as per the syllabus. Include the best preparation books and earlier years question papers in your study materials. To clear exam, only written test is not the key you should be physically and mentally fit to clear the selection process (SSB). Here, we are providing some preparation tips to pass the SSB Interview:
Be Confident: You have to maintain a confidence & a positive frame of mind. You have to believe in your capabilities. Make your weakness as your strong points.
Self- Awareness: Prepare for it beforehand. The examiner usually looks for your ability to self-analyze, the aim of your life & determination, your thinking and mentality about your parents, friends, family, teachers, neighbors and other. Write everything you know about yourself and your near ones. It helps you to know your positive, negative & achievements.
Practice writing & analyzing: You have to improve your writing skills. You have to practice writing about anything you see.
Stay Fit: You have to keep fit so that you can qualify all the physical activities with ease. Good Health helps you get a clearance in the medical tests. You can start mild jogging and stamina building exercises.
Personality Development: It is not enough that you should be a very intelligent person but you have to be strong, mature & possess a well-developed personality. Make communication with the people which help you to in lecturette round & also in every task that requires public speaking.
During group discussions, you have to focus these things in your mind:
- While writing your story and just after completing it, don’t look at the officers.
- Maintain your body language.
- In GD, don’t argue with others: allow them to speak.
- Wait for the right time to put your strong points of the story.
Documents Required for Interview:
Candidates have to bring their original documents. Candidates have to produce original documents soon after qualifying the SSB Interview. The documents will be returned after verification.
- 10+2 or Equivalent Examination Mark Sheet & Passing Certificate
- Ten passport size photographs
- Call Letter
If you have any other query about SSB interview, you can leave your comments below.
Good morning sir,
My child qualified the NDA 1 2024 written exam. But still we didn’t get the call letter for SSB.
You are advised to contact the authorities regarding this query.
sir i have scored 368 mark in nda 2023 paper 2 .will i make it for ssb
It will be known to you by officials at the time of counselling.
Sir, my nda(1) 2033 written is clear But I don’t know how to register for ssb or if the registration is still open. Can you please let me know… How can I apply for ssb now..
You are advised to wait for the authority to release SSB Interview dates & details.
Sir me nda 2023 16 april vale exam me pass ho gya hu.
Sir mera accident ho gya tha isliye mene ssb ka on line registration nhi kr paya.
(Sir ab kya krna h)
You must ask the officials regarding this query.
Do we need to register any form or something for ssb interview after qualifying the written exam or will they call short listed candidates themselves?
You will be informed for the SSB by the officials. Details regarding the same will be out after NDA II exam.
now i am in class 12th and i have to appear for NDA 2 Sept Paper and also i have to give Boards exams on Feb-March (2024) so will my marks sheet of 12th can come before my joining of NDA (assume that i have cleared all NDA, SSB and Medical test.)
You must ask the officials regarding this query.
Sir my nda 2022 ssb (ii) interview call not receive please give me my ssb call later my written qualified
no.1157595 hemant please give me my ssb call later thankyou
Declare the result fast sir
Sir if my 12th result not come at time ssb interview can I appear in ssb interview?
You must wait for the authority to release details regarding same.
I’m ncc c certificate holder,how i can apply for this,and how i prepare for the SSB INTERVIEW
I got 63.8%in 10th class and 77% in 12th class can I eligible for SSB and NDA exam
Details regarding SSB will be known to you by the official authority.
I have not registered for ssb is there any problem about it? if there is then plz tell me the solution .
nda 2 2022 me humanities k student feel kr skte h kya??
Applying candidates must have PCM subjects in their 12th class.
My roll no is here in NDA pass pdf but i have not received any call and email
You must check your spam & other folders once.
Any exam is 18 april 2022 have in Kolkata
pleas reply
My DOB is 12/10/2003, how many chances I have for SSB?
Yes you are eligible but you must also satisfy other eligibility norms.
when can I apply for NDA 2 Sir
Sir please convey me I am qualified NDA 147 exam but still I am not recd SSB call letter defence website also is not working properly I send so many email but I am unable to get help
Hi sir, how many days later ssb date selection link will be open after the NDA I result 2021 and when I choose center for ssb
I am a candidate of Assam ,I am very por person and I am try to any gd post on your office pls one sunch for me….
when is the results of nda 1 ,2021
what is the minimum marks to get in the final merit list
there is news that the ssb will become 3 days long is that true ,if so do explain.
links to practice for each test would be much appreciated.
How many marks are there for physical tests in SSB out of 900 marks?
I’m an ncc cadet and also a graduate
How I get an officer in our Indian armed forces
I have done diploma in civil engg.
Can I join ssb?
This is 6feb 2021 .is there any opportunity regarding army or Ncc.hiw can I apply now
Jai hind sir,
I have completed by 12th with 89.6% and at present iam in 3rd year of my btech in mechanical stream and iam an NCC cadet in 1(T)NAVAL UNIT NCC SECUNDERABAD GROUP.
Should i need to write the exam or can i give the SSBinterview directly.
Boilogy ka student nda ka form fill kar sakta
What is the process of ncc special entry and when? I humble request plzz give me a that information
Sir je maine tattoo bnaya hai himself but mujhe 10 class tm
Mujhe pta ni tha nda ke bare me or more …
Now what I do to for defence. Can you suggest me pizza
Sir, can I clear SSB even without having any sports background?Or it is mandatory to having certificates of sports participation?
I am science(pcm) student ,I want to apply SSB…
Sir ssb interview registration ka form (01/2020 nda) kb Hogan date & procedure
Sir where I have to register for Nda ssb interview 2020.
I cleared Nda written exam. And my first choice is Air Force
my brother cleared nda exam 2020, please let me know how would i know that his registration is completed or not. i already register in indian army , updates his aadhar as well as photo n sign, please help me to find out the conformation that i registerd correctly.
Sir, I want to know that if I registered myself in joinindianarmy.com for tes.
Kya mujhe nda-ssb interview ke liye dubara register karne ki jarurat h???
sir we get two ssb call if candidates cleared both nda 1 and nda 2? Please respond
Sir I apply for both nda 1 and nda2
This year with different email id
I clear both but through which email
I do registration
Please help me sir
Thank you
sir can I write story in Hindi or English in my ssb Cds exam
For TES(10+2) entry call letter will be given for all who applied or only selected/recommended candidates.
Sir, English speaking is compulsary in SSB?? and how to improve english?? Please reply I’m waiting for your answer। .
If they detected poor eye sight to a candidate they correct it by treatment or they will reject that candidate.
I like this job
I like this job.
Sir, i am in class 11th this year , while appearing class 12th, may i join the SSB or NDA examinations?
Sir how much percentage is required in class 11 and 12 to join our indian army?
Also sir i am in K.V.AFS.KUMBHIRGRAM(CBSE) and i got 9.2 cgpa in my 10th class is it ok……??
Please meply me sir\ma’am…….
I’m 28 years old. Married. I have ncc B and C certificate. I want to ask if I’m eligible for direct ssb interview.?
Details regarding this will be known to you by the officials.
Can commerce student apply for SSB