NEST 2025 Exam Pattern is prescribed by the exam conducting authority. The exam pattern include details of exam mode, type of questions, number of questions, marking scheme etc.
Curious about exam pattern of NEST 2025? Just scroll below and find out.
NEST exam is conducted for admission to the candidates into 5-year integrated M.Sc. course. It is a national level entrance test. The entrance test is organized by NISER and UM-DAE-CEBS jointly.
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Here, in this article we are providing complete details of NEST Exam Pattern 2025 including marking scheme and syllabus.
NEST 2025 Exam Pattern
Candidates appearing in the NEST 2025 entrance test must prepare themselves according to the below exam pattern. NEST 2025 exam will be conducted on 22nd June 2025.
- Mode of Exam: NEST 2025 entrance exam will be organized in online mode (computer based test).
- Exam Duration: The time duration to complete the examination will be 3 hours & 30 minutes.
- Sections: In the question paper, there will be four sections consisting of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology.
- Type of Questions: The question paper will be Multiple Choice Types.
- Language: The question paper will be of English language.
- Total Marks: Question paper will be of 200 marks.
- Marking Scheme: In single correct answer MCQs candidates will earn 2.5 marks & for multiple correct answer MCQs 4 marks will be awarded.
- Negative Marking: No marks will be deducted for multiple correct answer MCQs & 1 mark will be deducted for single correct answer MCQs.
The distribution of marks for each section will be as given below:
Sections | Marks |
Physics | 50 |
Chemistry | 50 |
Biology | 50 |
Mathematics | 50 |
Total | 200 |
NEST 2025 Marking Scheme
The details regarding marking scheme of NEST 2025 is given below:
- The question paper will comprise a total of 200 marks whereas candidates will have to score maximum of 200 marks.
- There will be no negative marking for multiple correct answer MCQs & 1 mark will be deducted for single correct answer MCQs.
The marks distribution for each subjects will be done according to the following pattern:
Sections | Subjects | Maximum marks |
Section 1 | Physics | 50 |
Section 2 | Chemistry | 50 |
Section 3 | Biology | 50 |
Section 4 | Mathematics | 50 |
Total marks scored in 4 sections | 200 |
NEST 2025 Syllabus
NEST Syllabus 2025 consist of topics from the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and General Ability. Candidates have to study for only 4 subjects chosen by them.
Some of the topics contained in NEST 2025 syllabus for each of subjects are provided below:
General, Mechanics, Sound, Fluids, Thermal physics, Rotational Dynamics, Wave Optics, Electricity, Magnetism, Semiconductors, Capacitance, Modern Physics, Electromagnetic Induction, Ray Optics, X Rays.
Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Thermodynamics, Mole Concept, Solutions, Chemical Kinetics, Periodic Table, Metallurgy, d-block Elements, p-block Elements , f-block Elements, s-block Elements, Metals and Non Metals, Colloids, Coordination Compounds, Surface Chemistry, Solid State, Solutions, Hydrogen Element; Organic Chemistry-Reactive intermediates, Alkanes, Nomenclature, Alkenes and Alkynes, Isomerism, Haloalkanes (Alkyl halides), Aromatic compounds
Ecosystems, Evolution, Biotechnology, Anatomy, Genetics, Humans and Environment, Biology of Plant Systems, Reproduction, Physiology, Human Health and Diseases, Ecology, Biology of Animal Systems
Also Check:
Algebra, Quadratic equations, Probability, Arithmetic, Harmonic and Geometric Progression, Arithmetic, Harmonic and Geometric Means, Permutations and combinations, Logarithms, simultaneous linear equations, Binomial theorem, Matrices
General Ability:
The authority will not prescribe any syllabus for General Ability section. However, this section will contain questions from Science, English, Mathematics, G.K, History, Geography and Current affairs. Questions from mathematical ability of class 10th might be asked in the paper. Some passage type questions from science may also be asked.
NEST 2025 Exam pattern must be understood by the candidates for better preparation of the exam. The questions asked in the entrance test will be designed by the authority to check the logical and understanding skill of the student in a subject.
If you have any query regarding NEST Exam Pattern 2025, you can ask your query in the below comments section.
I donot have Biology as a subject . I have already applied for the exam . will it be possible to appear in the exam ?
It is mandatory to have PCM subjects along with Biology to be eligible for NEST 2022.
Total how many subjects we need to write.means is there any optional subject we can leave
Is there any negative marking for wrong answer?What is this?
Is it compulsary to attend PCMB……or we can just attend PCB?
How much marks will I gain for 1 correct attempt and how much marks will I lose for an incorrect attempt.
How many questions are araise in nest2021
Out of 4 subject that is biology,chemistry, physics and mathematics how many subject we choose during the exam?is all the 4 subjects are choose during the exam?
Will the whole exam paper of NEST will contain only Physics, chemistry, Biology and Maths?? will there be any negative marking for a wrong answer?
Please clarify the sections to answer for integrated M.Sc. in NEST
will there be general section in nest 2021 . Need an answer plz
All subject are compulsory like P.C.M.B IS THERE or not
Are all sections (P,C,M,B) to be answered? Or is there a choice where we can exclude one of them?
I am not having mathematics in class 12, can I apply for M.Sc. Integrated Biological Sciences at NISER?
Sir…how much is the negetive marking for other 4 subject for niser
Is it compulsory to score minimum qualifying marks in all 5 subjects or we can leave any one subject beside general aptitude
How much is the negative marking for every incorrect answer.??
There will be no negative marking in the general ability section. However the other three sections will contain negative marking.
What is the marks for negative marking
I study maths and biology in class 12th, can I attend hole subject in nest exam? and can I attend nest exam in hindi?
The language of NEST question paper will be English.