Mastering Digital Balance: Practical Tips from MAHE Experts

Check out some practical suggestions for a digital detox below.

In today’s world, technology is everything, isn’t it? It’s a part of our daily lives. Technology has made our lives easier and created a hyperconnected environment.

There are many platforms we use daily that make it easy to stay in touch with one another. The internet offers a wealth of information, allowing us to learn about others and stay informed.

Apps like WhatsApp help us to chat, make voice calls, and video calls, helping us stay connected with people anytime, anywhere.

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We do excessive technology use may it be via our smartphones, social media, or digital screens and this causes unintended consequences. Yes, you read it right. Technology can both physically and psychologically ways can impact one’s well-being.

As we are using technology very much or screen timing is increasing which can cause health issues, so one another needs to have a good digital balance.

The University of California’s Dr. Loren Frank says that giving rest and relaxing the brain is very important for good well-being. Too much screen time overloads our brain whereas a stress-free mind can help to keep memories and build connections.

Also, studies show that learning improves after a walk outside, while constant stimulation and multitasking can leave us feeling tired and stressed. 

How To Do Digital Detxo

Below are some of the practical suggestions for digital detox given by Dr. Loren Frank that one can use or opt for:

  • Scheduled Breaks – You can stay away from screens (computer/mobile phone) by setting alarms it marking in the calendar to take breaks.
  • App Management – Recheck all the apps that you have, and delete the extra apps or the ones that you use only for scrolling and which cause distraction to you.
  • Power Down Before Bed – Open the do not disturb option while going to sleep to improve sleep quality.
  • Use Built-in Tools – You can use apps (Google’s Digital Wellbeing and Apple’s Screen Time) that will track your health and timely remind/ aware you of the screen time.
  • Screen-Free Zones – At home or office make some areas where you have to without a phone for example bed rooms, and washrooms.
  • Practice Etiquette – When you are with others avoid checking the phone frequently. This will help to improve social interactions.
  • Focus Mode – Before starting any work that does not require your phone or internet make sure to on you focus mode for low distraction.
  • Set Daily Limits – Dont use any app unnecessarily and control your time spent on specific apps or websites.
  • Unsubscribe and Unfollow – Make sure to remove content that doesn’t add value to your life.
  • Tech-Free Activities – Try to engage yourself in offline activities like walking, swimming, gym.
  • Explore Relaxation Apps – Use meditation and sleep apps like Calm, Headspace, and Sleep Cycle for relaxation.
  • Create a Distraction-Free Environment – When not important turn off notifications and keep devices away while focusing on other activities.

The motive of this article was to let you know about technology’s transformative potential in improving downtime. Importance of useful and mindful habits that help to relax the brain and improve your well-being. It’s very important to have a good lifestyle with digital balance.

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