KEAM 2025 Correction in application will be done in May 2025 via online mode for rectification in images/ documents. KEAM is the state level entrance test organised by the Commissioner of Entrance Examination (CEE), Kerala.
Wondering whether corrections will be possible in KEAM 2025 Application Form or not?.. Get details below.
It acts as a gateway for admission to the professional degree courses offered in the field of engineering and pharmacy.
Admission into Medical and allied subjects will be done through NEET scores and admission into architecture courses will be done through NATA exam.
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Candidates will be able to check this article for details about KEAM Application Form Correction 2025.
KEAM 2025 Application Correction
The application form of KEAM 2025 will be made available via online mode. Aspirants will have to fill the KEAM registration form 2025 in fourth week of March 2025.
Application form correction will be started in May 2025. The authority provides the correction facility after the completion of application process. Last date to make corrections will be till third week of May 2025.
The correction opportunity for KEAM 2025 will be provided only to those candidates who successfully submit their applications. Candidates will have to fill in all the particulars carefully in the application form. Any correction facility will not be entertained after the due date.
Important Points:
- View and Verify Candidate’s Personal details, Reservation details, etc.
- View defects in application or defects in supporting documents, if any.
- Pay balance in Application fee, if any.
- One time correction in Mobile Number and Email-ID, if required.
- Candidates will be able to correct their photograph/signature/thumb impression through the links concerned.
- The candidates who have other defects in their submitted applications will be able to view the defects in their application by clicking the menu item ‘Memo Details’ provided in the profile page.
- Moreover, the Printout of the Memo indicating the defects in the application and the preforms for rectifying them will be downloaded from the links concerned.
- A copy of the Memo thus generated along with the documents for rectification of defects will have to be sent to the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations.
- The personal details of candidates along with the details of reservation/other benefits as per the application submitted by the candidates will be displayed in the profile page of the candidates.
- Facility will also be provided in the profile page for one time correction of Mobile number and e-mail ID through the menu item ‘Edit Contact Details’.
- Candidates who have complaints, if any, regarding the details shown in the profile page may file their complaints with supporting documents to prove their claim to the Office of Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, 5th Floor, Housing Board Buildings, Santhinagar, Thiruvananthapuram.
- The candidates who do not know their application number will get their application number by giving their Name and Mobile Number on the link Forgot Application Number provided in the Candidate Portal of the candidates.
KEAM Correction Details
Students will be able to correct errors in limited items only. Once it gets selected at the time of submission of application, it will not be changed.
Applicants will be able to check the status of their application by entering their login details such as application number and password. The application status will be updated when the application form will be taken for scrutiny.
Candidates who have defects in their photograph/ signature/ thumb impression uploaded in the application, their admit card will not be generated unless they rectify their defects within the given time frame.
How to Edit KEAM Application 2025
Candidates will have to go through the following process for making corrections in KEAM 2025 application:
- Visit the website of conducting authority.(link will be available above)
- A new page will be opened on the screen.
- Enter your login credentials such as application number and Password.
- Click on the “Memo” button given on the home page.
- Details of mistakes in the application form will be opened.
- Take printout of the Memo & other required proforma for correction.
- Candidates have to send the memo, proforma & other required certificates through registered/speed post/handy delivery to the address given below:
Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE)
5th Floor, Housing Board Buildings,
Shanti agar, Thiruvananthapuram-695001.
Candidates can refer above given article to make any correction or changes in the application form. The authority will provide the correction facility for few days only.
If you have any queries regarding KEAM 2025 Application Form Correction, you can ask us by leaving your queries below.
I selected OBC while applying for KEAM , but, due to some reason I did not obtain NCL certificate….. Does the correction window will allow to correct it to GENERAL category…?
We will provide details in article when officials will provide correction facility.
I applied through keam for enigineering and paid 875 after filing all they asked me do you want to add courses i clicked yes now window is showing you want to pay more . actually i dont want to add more can i return back add on
You are advised to contact the officials regarding this.
You will only be able to re-upload it if authority will provide correction facility.
I couldn’t upload the right pdf for correction and today is the last day for keam correction. How can I upload my pdf or make sure my profile is right if the given time is over ?
You are advised to contact officials for same as last date for correction is already over.
I have a small mistake in my date of birth, can I correct it and do I need to submit any documents by registered post or I can correct in online ??
You must wait for the authority to release correction dates & details.
I had uploaded class x marksheet instead of certificate by mistake what i do is there any correction window in this or my application got reject.
You must wait for the authority to release correction dates & details.
I selected all 4 courses in KEAM form and proceeded to payment with Dubai exam center, but didn’t make the payment. Now I want to unselected the courses and select only MBBS. But I am stuck with only online payment option. How can I reduce my options and pay only the MBBS fees?
You can edit your details by going back at form details section.
when giving form, i said i am ews but i am not , should i be concerned? can i change it? i havent submitted any documents of ews either
You must wait for the correction window to be open.
Dear Sir,
How and can I correct my dad’s annual income after the registration has been done
You must wait for the correction window to be open.
My gender is incorrect in application how to correct it
You must wait for the authority to release correction dates & details.
I accidentally ticked scout and guides reservation am i able to edit it?
Yes, you will be able to edit details when correction window will be opened.
I had uploaded my ncl certificate due to memo, if the certificate is still not rectified will I be able to reupload it within 26th july
You should contact the officials regarding this query.
Derar sir
My ncl certificate got rejected, I could not correct it on the date given by the memo, now the correction window is closed. Can I re-upload it?
The image uploading option is over now.
i unknowingly uploaded aadhar card instead of birth certificate for nativity proof…And i cant able to reupload that…what i want to do right now…please reply..
You must try to upload it again after sometime otherwise ask the authorities regarding same, details in documents upload may not be done.
Sir I could not update my photo as per the issued memo due date will I get the chance to correct it after the due date..I tried many times but each time some error kept on occuring..will I get the chance to correct it
KEAM 2023 correction process is over now.