How to find best fit engineering college in India

engineeringIf you are going to get the admission in engineering college then you need to know and compare the status of engineering colleges. At present, there are more than 4000 engineering colleges in India. The engineering colleges are mushrooming across the big and small town every day. Every college claims to offer the best among all engineering colleges. It is very hard to compare the existing colleges with the upcoming one. Now what should an engineering aspirant do?

If you wish to pursue the engineering course, you will have to get the admission in one college and give the long time of four years to your professional degree programme. You need to take an informed or researched decision in finding of best fit engineering college. You have to focus on the academic productivity, research output, industry interface, quality education and result trend of the engineering colleges. These factors play the vital role in the future of students.

“Finding a best fit engineering college matters a lot in your further education and career”.

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Benefits of a good engineering college:

  • Degree from a reputed & good college can give you a better career launch.
  • It will give you some extra opportunities in the country as well as foreign.
  • The practical training, industrial visits & other activities train students to grab the working skills before the placement.
  • Reputed companies will offer you a good opening position and higher salary.
  • One can get name and fame.

The students need to bucket the few colleges first as per their choice or preferred area then compare them as per following aspects:

Course interest

First, you find the programme of your interest through the list of courses which have been offered by the colleges. Select the colleges which are offering the same as you wish to pursue.

Campus & Infrastructure

The campus & environment of the college may impact your career. The campus building should be pleased because you have to spend your four years there. To stay far from the distress and homesickness, the campus should be attractive, well designed and spacious.

College should be good and updated in terms of infrastructure. A good infrastructure does not mean only a good looking multi-storied building, but it means whether that college has enough amount of infrastructure as per the intake capacity. Better infrastructure includes smart classrooms, workshops, computer labs, etc.


Many colleges claim to offer the best facilities for the students. You need to research about the actual facilities what the college is offering. You need to have the accommodation facility, library facility, lab facility equipped with instruments, loan & scholarship facility, medical facility, mess facility and general goods store facility inside the campus. Facilities provided by the college or institution supports you a lot during your college period. Facilities are an important factor while choosing a college.


Beside the academic education, student’s activities also play the vital role in one’s future. The technical activities, literary activities, skills development activities and extracurricular activities make the student able to stand in our social culture. Co-curricular and extracurricular activities are very much important to boost the knowledge and groom & explore the student.


The college should have the well-qualified and experienced faculty to transform the best knowledge by using the teaching learning process. An effective and competent faculty can make your future brighter. Some of the institutions hire only PhD holders as the faculty members. But some colleges hire the PG and even bachelor candidates for their faculty team. Faculties with vast industry knowledge to make their students aware of the latest and innovative technology in the field of engineering by sharing their real life experiences with students.


Every student, pursuing the degree course wishes a good career opportunity in higher education and better job placement. Many colleges make assure the students for their job placement at the time of admission but later on they become a failure. The aspirants need to research about the selected students in different companies which have been visited at the particular college and what is the minimum and maximum offered salary. Have a look on previous placement records of the college branch wise as well as company wise.

NAAC Accreditation

NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council) is an organization which accredits institutions of higher education in India. It grades on the basis of various criteria like Promotion of Research, Research Facilities, Collaborations, Research Publications and Awards, etc. So the colleges can also be judged on the basis of grades given by the NAAC.

Curriculum of the College

Have a look at the curriculum of the respective college or university. Research about how many courses they teach & how many electives they are offering so that students can have the flexibility to learn as per their choices.

College Location

Colleges with a nearby location of industrial and software hub could be beneficial. It may useful to you for your industrial visits, industrial training and placements. College should be majorly connected with the all major cities of the particular state.

Background Research

A proper background research is important while choosing an engineering college. Research about the faculty members, placement offers, status of the college, etc. Also find out the college distance, environmental parameters, etc. Student’s feedback also plays a vital role in choosing the engineering college. You should take conversation with the students who have studied in the specific college. Discuss about the placement, how many companies visited, what was the salaries offered, etc.

Top Engineering Colleges in India

There are many government and private colleges & universities are situated in India. Colleges have been listed according to national importance, affiliation, approval & many other terms. Here we are providing you a list of top engineering colleges in India:

  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi
  • Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur
  • National Institute of Technology (NIT), Warangal
  • Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (NIT), Allahabad
  • National Institute of Technology (NIT), Kurukshetra
  • National Institute of Technology (NIT), Surathkal
  • National Institute of Technology (NIT), Calicut
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIIT), Gwalior
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Vadodara
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Trichy
  • Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Guwahati
  • Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi
  • Vellore institute of Technology, Vellore
  • Anna University, Chennai

For any other queries related to How to find best fit Engineering College in India, you may leave your queries below.


  1. The points given in article are alright, but how to collect correct information. Tell us source for such info. The college website may give some misleading info.

    1. The best way to know about the college is to ask the ex students of that college about their placements, faculty and quality of education. You can also check our website to know more about top colleges in every state.

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