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Chandigarh University (CUCET) Application Correction 2025
The authority may not provide Chandigarh University (CUCET) 2025 application correction facility for every successfully registered candidate. Candidates who commit mistakes in the online submitted application form may correct their mistakes within given time period.
Correction facility is available in the application form only through online mode. No other mode is entertained for correction. Corrections facility is provided by the exam conducting authority after accepting the CUCET 2025 application form from the candidates.
Candidates are instructed to fill the application form as per the guidelines given on the CUCET 2025 information brochure. After the last date of registration process, no candidates can edit their application form. The admit cards will only be issued to only candidates those who have filled their application form correct as per the guidelines. Correction may be done using login details i.e. application number and password.
CUCET Corrections Dates 2025
Chandigarh University (CUCET) 2025 Application correction may or may not be started after completing the application form process. After the completion of registration process, authority may open the correction facility however correction facility will not be applicable on every data. If candidates commit any mistakes in the application form, they may correct it from the applicant login window.
The Chandigarh University (CUCET) 2025 application correction facility may be provided for both UG and PG courses through online mode. The Corrections facility if provided will open after the end of application process. Corrections can be done via online mode only. Candidates are advised to make corrections within the stipulated time period. Exam authority does not provide any correction facility after the correction dates.
Corrections Fields
Candidates can make corrections only in some of the fields. Editing in all fields may not be allowed. Candidates can edit details in some areas such as name, date of birth, qualifying exam details, course detail (for which candidate will apply), university details (in which candidate wants admission), etc.
Candidates are instructed that they can not be able to make corrections other than these given fields. So, fill the application form carefully. Candidates who completely filled application form and pay their application fee can make correction in the form.
Here we have mentioned details that candidates can make change in the CUCET Application Form 2025:
- Gender
- Address
- Name of exam passed
- University or board name
- Subject of exam
- State
- City
- Nationality
- Father’s name
- Mother’s name
- Year of passing
- Photograph and signature etc.
Candidates cannot make changes in the following details:
- Name
- Email ID
- Category
- Date of birth
- Mobile number
Also Check:
How to Edit CUCET Application Form 2025
Check given below procedure to make correction in the CUCET Application Form 2025:
- Go to the website link.
- Go to the ‘Candidate’s Login’ section.
- Enter application Id and date of birth.
- Then, click on “Login” button.
- Application form will be opened in your screen.
- Make corrections in the particular field and click on submit button.
- Save the changes and take the printout of it.
- Secure the printout of the modified application form till the exam date.
If you have any other queries about Chandigarh University (CUCET) 2025 Application Form Correction 2025, you can leave your comments below in the comment box.
I was uploaded wrong signature during form filling and now when i uploaded correct signature,it was not uploaded and showing the Same previous wrong signature.Even the correction portal is not opening . kindly help me to get rid of the problem
Correction window is closed now.
How to apply for Icar application not acept for cuet
Application form filling process is over now.
Hlo sir/madem I won’t change my course so please give permission this my umble request please sir
Correction window is closed now. You must contact the officials regarding this query.
sir i want to apply for more courses can i do that now?
Yes, you can add more courses when correction window will be opened.
If we wrote mode of preparation as tutorial classes in school but now want to change to self is it possible ?
You will be able to make correction during correction window.
I want to add University .
You will be able to edit details whenever correction window will open.
Can I add more universities for ug course ,as I have applied for just 1 University
Yes, you can.
Can we add Universities during correction time? If we want to add more universities or courses, can we add?
Yes, you will be edit university when correction window will be opened.
Sir,i want to make correction in my email id of OBC NCL declaration form,won’t i be able to change it?
You cannot make changes in email id.
There were some personal details and subject selection is wrong could I correct it?
We have motioned editable fields in our article. You must read article carefully.
Sir can I add PWBD card on correction date
Can I add University after submission of application or can I add University during the edition time open be cuet
You must wait for the authority to release correction details.
I want to change my course
You can edit it at the time of correction.
sir i want to change my g mail , so please whenever yhe update is come inform us.
You must wait for the correction window to be opened.
Sir i have added only one university at the moment … Can i add more when the correction dates are out.??
Sir I have already registration CUET FORM 2023 and I have given one university mistakely.can I add two university again?please response sir.
Yes, you can edit it at the time of correction facility.
Kya hum University ko our add kar sakte hai ?
You are advised to wait for the authority to release correction details.
I have applied for a course and im not eligible for it.so i want to change my course.
Do i have any chance to correct it?
You can change/ edit it at the time of correction.
Pls inform me when the correction window will appear
It will be start from 15th to 18th March 2023.
Correction window close ho gyi???
Sir mene university change ki h Lekin university ki website or no record dikha rha h plz give me some suggestions
You are suggested to contact officials.
sir can can i change my programe from b.a psychology to bsc .in cucet
CUCET 2022 correction process is over now.
Tomorrow is my Cucet entance test am not ready yet for exam because the exam centre is tooo long for me so can u please postpone my exam to other date
My application number is…223510012833
Exam on 17th August please CHANGE it to 25 th August
Changes in the examination centre will not be accepted now. You must contact or send email the authorities regarding this.
I have to make correction state of domicile in my CUCET 2022 UG application
Correction window is closed now. You can contact the authorities regarding this.
I have filled wrong paper code in CUET 2022 Till I realised it correction windows are closed. What will I do now
You can contact with officials once.
Its 3 aug….
I want to add one more subject in cucet..
Can i?
Correction process in CUCET has been over now.
I want to edit my application from please.
CUCET 2022 application correction is over now.
Correction is over now. You must contact the officials regarding this.
Kya hum CUCET PG me course change kar sakte hai
CUET PG 2022 correction process is over now.
I had corrected by editing my previous application form but want to change course. Will the cuet window gives editing option for the second time
No, correction window is closed now.
Can we add more test paper code from the correction window ?
Please share the link for correction window. I have logged in to application form but I’m unable to edit it.
We have provided the correction link in our article. Now you can make correction using login details.
When is the corrections date .
Correction for PG courses has been started from 20th July 2022.
I have a problem while sign in. The problem showing is incorrect application number. My application number couldn’t found can u plz check and reply me
Can we change centre of examination?.
Correction details are not released yet for PG courses. It will known to you whenever correction will be started.
Can we change the centre of exam?.
CUCET 2022 UG correction process is over now. PG correction details & link will be activated on 20th July 2022.
Sir,can I change my income during correction process,by mistake i have submitted the income given in ration card and now I came to know that we should give income given in income certificate.I still have a confusion,which income should i place and will I be able to correct it?
Yes, you can make correction in details from 20th July 2022.
I want to changes the subject code.
CUCET 2022 UG correction process is over now. For PG, it will be started from 20th July 2022.
I want change my subject
CUCET 2022 UG correction process is over now. It will be started from 20th July 2022 for PG courses.
I need to edit universities that i have selected, but there’s no such link provided to edit the application.
You can get correction link in our Article.
How to correct the application form for pg?. I tried but there isn’t any options of change
Kindly help me out
You must enter your login details to make correction in details.
Please i want to change my required universities order
Sir i have entered wrong subject in my application for pg.please let me know what can be done
Correction window is closed now.
I want to change my subjects in cuet application form when will the correction window open ?
Correction window is closed now. You must contact the officials regarding this.
I want to change the suject in my application form when will tha correection window open again?
Correction window is over now.
Can I change my subject for examination and its code?
Correction is over now.
Sir ,how can l change my test paper selection
You can edit it now during correction facility, available till 26th June 2022.
But application form last date is 4July correction date should be extended I have a big mistake in form
Correction window is opened. Now you can correct mistakes.
Please tell me about last date of application correction form of PG courses only
Today is the last date to make correction in details.
Can I edit sport quota?
No, correction is over now.
I need to add course please make correction window
CUET 2022 PG correction process is over now.
Hlo dear sir/Ma’am, I have chosen wrong subject. I want to change it.
Correction window is closed now.
Is there any next correction date. I have done some minor mistakes.pls reply as soon as possible.
No, correction process is over now.
Can I change my paper code after submitting my fees for cucet pg
Correction last date is over now.
Give me one change for correction.
CUCET 2022 correction process is over now.
I want to add domain specific subject. I add only 1 domains subject so I want to add 2 more subject
The process for adding or subtracting domain his over now.
i have choose wrong domain subjet. how can i rectify it ??
Correction is over now.
Mene genral test no kr diya kiya me correction ho jayega
No, correction is over now. You must contact the officials about this.
Sir I aldready submitted my application form..but I chosen only one paper.. now I want to add another paper..! Can I add another paper along with already exist paper?
Give me an good solution what can I do now?
The process to add or subtract paper in CUET UG has been closed now.
I was late for correction in form …..can I do now some corrections for slot
CUET UG 2022 correction process is over now. In case of any extension in the correction, we will update it in our article.
Want to add college’s
Date is over now.
I have accidentally added a university.How can i remove it?
Correction window is closed now.
How can i change my permanent address ??
You can change details through login.
Sir i applied for cu cet uf 2022
But in the place of English medium in 12th standard it has been printed as telugu medium how can I correct plz suggest me sir
And correction window is not responding for the above changes
Correction window is open. You can edit details during correction period till 31st May 2022.
Sir i have submitted my application form even i have paid fees but i want to correction in my application form and i have applied in pg
CUET 2022 PG Application Correction process will start from 20th to 22nd June 2022.