CG PPT 2025 Admit Card will be released in month of April 2025. CG-PPT (Chhattisgarh Pre Polytechnic Test) is a state level examination which is organized by the Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (CGPEB).
Are you looking for steps on how to check and download CG PPT 2025 hall ticket?…
Candidates can appear for this examination to get admission to various engineering and non-engineering polytechnic courses. Various polytechnic colleges of Chhattisgarh consider the CGPPT score for providing admissions.
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Here we are providing details about CG PPT Admit Card 2025, steps on how to download it, details mentioned on it, and more.
CG PPT 2025 Admit Card
Authority will release the admit card for successfully registered candidates only. Authority won’t send any admit card through by post or any other offline mode. Candidates have to download their admit card through the website of exam conducting authority by online mode.
Candidates will download it by entering their Registration ID number generated at the time o registration. If the downloaded admit card does not have a photograph then candidates have to bring two colored passport-size photographs to the exam centre.
If candidates have forgotten their Registration ID, they can retrieve the number through “Search Registration Number” option.
Candidates have to provide details like exam type, candidate’s name, relative’s name, date of birth, and examination to retrieve registration ID.
CG PPT 2025 Answer Key will be released through online mode in May 2025. With the help of answer key, candidates will be able to estimate idea how many marks they have scored in the examination.
CG PPT 2025 Cut off will be announced in different phases. The cut-off marks will be released by the Directorate of Technical Education, Raipur. It will be published through online mode.
CG PPT Admit Card Date 2025
Candidates will be able to download the admit card in the month of April 2025. The authority will conduct the CG PPT examination on 1st May 2025. Last year the exam was conducted on 23rd June 2024.
After the examination, the CG PPT Result will be announced in June 2025. Authority will conduct the counselling rounds for every successfully qualified candidate. Candidates will be able to participate in counselling though online mode from July 2025.
How to Download CG PPT Admit Card
Here we are providing some steps to download the admit card for CG PPT exam:
- Visit the official website of CG PPT (link will be given above).
- A new page will be displayed on the screen.
- You have to enter the Registered Mobile Number and Password.
- After entering the details, click on the “Login” button.
- The admit card will appear on the screen.
- Candidates should take some extra printouts for further use.
Also Check:
Details Given in the Admit Card
Here we have listed the details mentioned in the CG PPT Hall Ticket:
- Candidate’s Name.
- Guardian’s Name.
- Age of Candidate.
- Gender.
- Roll Number.
- Date & Timing of the Examination.
- Venue of Exam.
- Other exam related instructions.
Once after getting the admit card candidates have to check all the information very carefully on it. If there is any error or mistake in it candidates will be not allowed to sit for the exam. If an error is found contact the authority for correction.
Instructions for Candidates
Here we have given some important instructions for the candidates:
- Candidates should reach the exam center one hour before the start of examination.
- Students should check all the details mentioned in their admit card in case of any discrepancy contact the officials.
- Candidates have to bring identity proof along with a hall ticket.
- Candidates can bring any identity proof such as a voter card, driving license, Aadhaar card, PAN card, or other photo ID proof.
- Without producing a valid admit card & ID proof, candidates will not be allowed to write the examination.
- At the exam center no electronic devices such as watches, phones, buds, earphones, calculators, etc are allowed to be carried.
- Aspirants are also not allowed to carry any food or editable items.
- Candidates have to follow all the exam instructions and guidelines mentioned on the admit card very strictly.
Those who will be taking the Chhattisgarh Pre Polytechnic Test have to strictly adhere to all the rules and regulations. If any of the candidate are found to break rules the their examination will be canceled and action will be taken against the activity.
Candidates should check all the details regarding the CG PPT session 2025 admit card. For their ease, this article has all the information from when to download a hall ticket to how to check and download it.
For any other queries about CG PPT 2025 Admit Card, you can leave your queries below in the comment box.
Answersheet ka copy kaise nikale
You can get details to download CG PPT Answer key from here..
Admit card kab ayega?
Admit card is expected to be out soon in June 2024. You must stay tuned for latest updates.
Mera admit card nahi aa raha hai
CG PPT 2024 admit card dates & details are yet to be released.
When we get 2022 ppt admit card
Admit card is releasing soon in May 2022. Be with us for the latest updates about it.
when will the admit card come
Admit card is expected soon in May 2022.
Sir i couldn’t found the link to download admit card for ppt please provide the link
Admit card has not been released yet. We will update it in our article when official will announce it.
When we get 2020 ppt admit card
It will release soon.