AP PGECET 2025 Syllabus will be released by the exam conducting authority. AP PGECET (Andhra Pradesh Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test) exam is managed by Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati on behalf of APSCHE.
Searching for the complete syllabus of AP PGECET 2025? Check it below.
It is a state level entrance test. This test is conducted for giving admission into postgraduate courses, i.e. M.Tech, ME, M.Pharmacy & Graduate level Pharm-D courses.
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In this article, we have mentioned the complete details about AP PGECET Syllabus 2025.
AP PGECET 2025 Syllabus
AP PGECET 2025 Syllabus will be different for different courses. Below, we have provided complete detailed syllabus of AP PGECET 2025:
Aerospace Engineering (AE) Syllabus:
- Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Calculus & Numerical Methods.
- Flight Mechanics: Airplane Performance, Atmosphere, Static Stability, & Dynamic Stability.
- Space Dynamics: Central Force Motion, Orbit transfer, Elements of rocket motor performance, Determination of trajectory and orbital period in simple cases and in-plane and out-of-plane.
- Aerodynamics: Basic Fluid Mechanics, Viscous Flows, Airfoils and Wings, Compressible Flows & Wind Tunnel Testing.
- Structures: Stress and Strain, Flight Vehicle Structures, Structural Dynamics, Propulsion, Turbo machinery, Aerothermodynamics of Non-Rotating Propulsion Components.
Bio Technology (BT) Syllabus:
- Engineering Mathematics: Calculus, Differential Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability, and Statistics & Numerical Methods.
- Biotechnology: Process Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bioprocess Engineering, Characteristics of animal cells, Immunology, Plant and Animal Biotechnology, Recombinant DNA Technology, Bioinformatics.
Chemical Engineering (CH) Syllabus:
- Engineering Mathematics: Complex Variables, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Calculus, Probability, and Statistics & Numerical Methods.
- Chemical Engineering: Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations, Heat Transfer, Process Calculations and Thermodynamics, Mass Transfer, Instrumentation and Process Control, Chemical Reaction Engineering, Plant Design and Economics, Chemical Technology,
Civil Engineering (CE) Syllabus:
- Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Complex Variables, Probability and Statistics, Calculus, Differential Equations & Numerical Methods.
- Structural Engineering: Structural Analysis, Concrete Structures, Mechanics, Steel Structures.
- Geotechnical Engineering & Environmental Engineering: Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering.
- Water Resources and Transportation Engineering: Air Pollution, Hydrology, Irrigation, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, Water Requirements, Noise Pollution, Highway Planning, Municipal Solid Wastes, Traffic Engineering, and Surveying.
Computer Science & Information Technology (CS) Syllabus:
- Engineering Mathematics: Set Theory & Algebra, Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability, and Statistics & Numerical Methods.
- Computer Science and Information Technology: Operating System, Computer Organization and Architecture, Graph Theory, Computer Networks, Mathematical Logic, Digital Logic, Combinatorics, Programming and Data Structures, Theory of Computation, Compiler Design, Databases, Algorithms, Information Systems and Software Engineering and Web Technologies.
Electrical Engineering (EE) Syllabus:
- Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Numerical Methods, Differential Equations, Complex Variables, Probability, and Statistics.
- Electrical Engineering: Electrical and Electronic Measurements, Electric Circuits and Fields, Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, Signals and Systems, Power Systems, Control Systems, Analog and Digital Electronics, Electric Traction System.
Electronics & Communication Engineering (EC) Syllabus:
- Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Complex Variables, Differential Equations, Probability and Statistics & Numerical Methods.
- Electronics and Communication Engineering: Networks, Analog Circuits, Electronic Devices, Signals and Systems, Communications, Control Systems, Electromagnetics.
Food Technology (FT) Syllabus:
- Food Chemistry and Nutrition: Food chemistry, Nutrition.
- Food Microbiology & Biotechnology: Food Microbiology, Biotechnology.
- Food Technology: Fruits, Vegetables and Plantation Crops, Meat, fish, Poultry & Milk, Cereals, Pulses and Oil Seeds, Milk and milk products processing.
- Food Engineering: Fluid Mechanics.
- Food Quality & Standards: Food Quality, Standards.
Geo Engineering & Geo Informatics (GG) Syllabus:
- Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Complex Variables & Probability and Statistics.
- Geo-Engineering: Continents, Oceans, Earth Composition, Rocks, Maps, Principles of Remote Sensing, Surveying Methods, GIS Concepts and Applications, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Study of Rain Fall, Environment & Soils-texture.
- Programming in C: Variables, Data Types, Arrays, Functions, Pointers, Expressions, Control Structures & Structures.
Instrumentation Engineering (EI) Syllabus:
- Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Complex Variables, Probability and Statistics & Numerical Methods.
- Instrumentation Engineering: Basics of Circuits and Measurement Systems, Electrical and Electronic Measurements, Mechanical Measurement and Industrial Instrumentation, Transducers, Analog Electronics, Control Systems and Process Control, Digital Electronics, Signals, Systems and Communications, Analytical, Optical and Biomedical Instrumentation.
Mechanical Engineering (ME) Syllabus:
- Engineering Mathematics: Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability, and Statistics, Complex Variables & Numerical Methods.
- Applied Mechanics and Design: Strength of Materials, Engineering Mechanics, Theory of Machines, Vibrations & Design.
- Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences: Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Applications and Heat-Transfer.
- Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering: Metal Casting, Forming, Joining, Engineering Materials, Machining and Machine Tool Operations, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Production Planning and Control, Metrology and Inspection, Inventory Control, Research.
Metallurgy (MT) Syllabus:
- Engineering Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Differential Equations, Numerical Methods & Vector Calculus.
- Metallurgical Engineering: Physical Metallurgy, Thermodynamics and Rate Processes, Mechanical Metallurgy, Extractive Metallurgy and Manufacturing Processes.
Nano Technology (NT) Syllabus:
- Engineering Mechanics & Strength of Materials
- Metallurgical Thermodynamics
- Elements of Material Science
- Advanced Material Science
- Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
Pharmacy (PY) Syllabus:
- Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacology
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Assurance
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AP PGECET 2025 Exam Pattern
The exam pattern details will be given here. This exam will be conducted for 14 papers of different courses. It will be conducted through online mode.
In the examination, a total of 120 questions will be asked. For each correct answer, one mark will be given to the candidates.
The exam duration will be two hours. The question paper will be asked in English language only. There will be no negative marking scheme.
If you have any other queries about AP PGECET 2025 Syllabus, you can leave your comments in the comment box.
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