AP ECET Eligibility 2025: Get Qualification, Age, Local/ Non-Local

AP ECET 2025 Eligibility must be checked by the candidates to appear in the examination. Candidates those who fulfill the eligibility criteria will only be eligible to appear in the exam. AP ECET is managed by the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur. 

What are the eligibility conditions to apply for AP ECET 2025?. Check complete details below.

Andhra Pradesh Engineering Common Entrance Test is organized on the behalf of Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education. It is a state level entrance exam to offer admission for diploma holders and B.Sc (Mathematics) degree holders. Candidates will get admission in lateral entry of B.E./B.Tech and in regular B.Pharmacy

AP ECET 2025

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In this article, we have mentioned the complete details related to AP ECET Eligibility 2025 along with the application form.

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AP ECET Eligibility 2025

Before filling the AP ECET application form, candidates must check their eligibility. Candidates those wishing to appear in AP ECET 2025 must check the eligibility criteria in this section:

  • Nationality: Candidates should be Indian National citizens.
  • Domicile: Candidates must possess Andhra Pradesh state domicile. It will also be necessary to satisfy the local/non-local status.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Qualifying Exam: Candidate should obtain the Diploma in Engineering and Technology/ Pharmacy from the State Board of Technical Education of AP state.   OR
    A candidate should pass the 3 years of B.Sc Degree with mathematics as one of the subjects in group combination from a recognized university.
  • Minimum Marks: Candidates should obtain the 45% marks (40% marks for reserved categories) in the qualifying examination.
  • Appearing Candidates: Final year candidates will also be eligible to apply but they should clear their qualifying exam before admission into the college.

Eligibility for Lateral Entry in B.E/B.Tech/Pharmacy:

  • Candidates should have qualified or appeared in AP ECET 2025.
  • Candidates should satisfy the requirement of eligibility and other criteria laid down by the university for the admission.
  • Admission for 85% seats in each course are reserved for the local candidates.
  • The remaining 15% of the seats will be un-reserved.
  • The lateral entry seats in case of Unaided Private institutions (Minority/Non-Minority) will be 10%.
  • In case of university affiliated colleges the lateral entry seats are 10% will be reserved over and above the prescribed intake.
  • B.Sc. (Mathematics) stream candidates will be considered for admission only after filling all the qualified diploma holders, while filling up the lateral entry seats based on the AP ECET 2023 ranks.

 Local and Non-Local Criteria:

Local Candidates:

  • A candidate will be considered as local only if he/she has studied in the state since four years continuous academic qualifications.
  • If candidates have not studied from there, but reside in AP since four years.
  • If a candidate has studied in any institution in the state of AP since seven years.


Non-Local candidates will be eligible to get admission under 15% quota seats.

  • Candidates who have resided in the state since 10 years, periods of study outside the State.
  • Those parents have resided in the State for a period of ten years excluding period of employment outside the State.
  • Children of parents employed in State/Central Government, Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities and other similar quasi-public Institutions, within the AP State.

AP ECET Application  Form 2025

Application form of AP ECET 2025 will be available to candidates in third week of March 2025. Eligible applicants will have to register online before the deadline. The application form process includes four simple steps i.e filling the form, uploading of documents, fee payment, print successfully submitted the form.

 Students are suggested to fulfil the eligibility norms of AP ECET 2025 before proceeding to fill the application form. Correction facility will also be provided in fourth week of April 2025. Deadline for submission of AP ECET 2025 application form will be till third week of April 2025 without any late fee. 

Through this article of AP ECET 2025 Eligibility Criteria, we have provided complete eligibility details for the candidates who want to apply. Students can check about the eligibility related to qualification, nationality, local & non local candidates.

If you have any query related to the AP ECET Eligibility 2025, you can ask us by leaving your queries in the given below comment box.


  1. i have studied 1-10 in AP And i completed my diploma in TamilNadu and iam a domicile of Andhra , Can i eligible for applying for ECET.

  2. I am studied 1 to 10 in Andhra pradesh now I am persuing my diploma in Karnataka Bangalore can I eligible for attending the ecet examination

  3. I am completed intermediate and I write eamcet entrance exam but I have doubt am I eligible for apecet counselling for joining?

    1. We have mentioned complete details about the same in article. To know more about the same, contact to the authority.

  4. I am participated in district level and also got runners position.
    I am eligible or not for sports quota
    Could you please tell me sir🙏

  5. How much rank students are eligible for full fees reimbursement?

    Please answer the question,lot of confusion for all students.

  6. I have completed my studies from 1-10th in st Paul’s English medium school Rayadurg Ananthapur district Andhra Pradesh
    Next i joined for deploma in Electrical and electronics engineering in Sandur polytechnic yeshwanth nagar Bellary Karnataka
    Sir am i elegible to write APECET ?

  7. Sir I’m completed my diploma in 2018.is I’m eligible for 2022 AP ecet .is there any age limit for ap ecet please reply me

  8. Sir I have joined in btech with my ecet rank and i want to write the ecet exam again and to join in other branches is it possible to withdrawal the course now i joined and to apply for ecet again

  9. Sir I alloted to bapatla engineering college after written a ecet-2021 exam but i don’t want to study there
    Am i eligible to write the ecet exam nex year
    Iam only submit the allotment order but i didnt gave any cirtificates for fees reimbursement
    Please five me the quick answer sir

  10. Hello good morning
    I had allotted seat in AP ECET but, in my application form region is OU status and I have all proofs for reimbursement in AP, according to regional status my application comes under nonlocal can I get AP full fee reimbursement

  11. Hello sir,I am Murakhna Chaitanya Kumar ,I like to inform you that I am Bca category student and non local but you have alloted my seat under oc category and that’s not fair .please look into my problem and let me know my hall ticket number is 50181010187 and dob is 06/03/2003

  12. Hi sir I am the TS student who written ap ecet sir when I am trying to payment process it asking the local certificate then I am chose option no but it is not taking my detail it asking that certificate compalsary but I am the non local student ou region what should I do sir

  13. Sir,
    my son was studied up to 7th in chhattisgarh state and now he is studying in AP state form 8th onwards up to intermediate second year whether he will be treated for local candidate for engineering admission in AP.
    please clarify

  14. Sir….why diploma in commercial and computer practice is not eligible for Ecet we have the subjects like C language, FIT, statistics etc….please consider us to appear for Ecet exam and also please allow us to do engineering through ecet….

    Thank you sir

  15. I have completed my 1st to 10th classes in Andhra Pradesh. Just 2years intermediate in other state. Whether I will come local or non local in AP EAMCET 2021.

  16. I have completed my 1st -10th classes in AP. Just 2 years intermediate in other state. Wheather I will come local or non local in AP Emacet exam

  17. I had studied polytechnic I have 3 subjects ( back logs) does I have eligibility if not how many should clear

  18. Sir, i want to do diploma in mechanical engineering,, can i get seat in aeronautical engineering through ever..

  19. Sir I wrote ECET in 2019 and I didn’t get seat in any college and I joined in management quota but the college is not good so I want to write ECET and try to get seat in good college or university but here my doubt is can I eligible for 2nd time plz calrify my doubt

  20. I studied Mpc(intermediate)
    Can I write ECET exam
    As I was interested to that exam
    Plz reply me as possible as early plzzzz
    If I am eligible or not to write ECET exam
    Plzzzzz reply me

  21. I am ap diploma student. Is there chance to get jntuh with fee reimbursement if I got good rank in non local category

  22. Sir/madam
    I have completed my school education (upto SSLC) in ANDHRA PRADESH. Now I am studying diploma in Karnataka, Can I apply for ECET? If yes,am I belong to local or non local.
    Please do the needful

  23. Sir I completed my diplamo in karnataka. Sir I completed my 1 to 10 class in andhra ..I am eligibility for fees reamberisment? Please reply me

  24. Unfortunately I didn’t attend to exam due to my health condition.i affected with tiphoid and also the exam center is also a long way so due to my health I didn’t make to the exam now how can I get in to a clg is there any other entrance exams that can take me to clg please help me

  25. We have one supply exam and waiting for that exam result.how can I mention my total percentage in the application.am I eligible to attend the counciling with out result

  26. I got integrated rank 4000
    I applied for sports quota..in Ap ecet2020. But I do not have enough certificate present.. I have doubt that if I got seat or not?
    Please reply me..
    Because 4 Nov 2020 counselling starts..

  27. Iam from TS ,I written a AP ecet ,if merit marks in ap ,I want to complete b tech in ap ..sir will u please tell me iam suitable or not?

  28. Iam from TS ,I written a AP ecet ,if merit marks in ap ,I want to complete b tech in ap ..sir will u please tell me iam suitable or not?

  29. Is it possible to write an ecet exam ,that i have written exam last year and qualified in that exam and also i got a admission in clg but i did not went to clg ,so pls tell me am i eligible to write the exam this year?

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