AIBE (XIX) 2024 Syllabus is provided by the exam conducting authority. AIBE is managed by the Bar Council of India (BCI). BCI provides the “Certificate of Practice” to the eligible candidates after qualifying the AIBE (19) exam. The examination is conducted for candidates those have passed the law degree and wish to do practice in the field of law. The written exam will be organized across 40 cities of the country in 11 different languages. Candidates must check here the complete AIBE (XIX) syllabus 2024.
AIBE (XIX) 2024 Syllabus
In AIBE (XIX) examination, the question will be asked from the various topics related to the different laws. Candidates must go through the complete syllabus to score well in exam. It will be updated in our article whenever official will announce it. Before proceeding for the preparation of exam candidates must check the complete syllabus prescribed by the official authority.
So, understanding the syllabus is a very important factor in scoring good marks. Candidates are advised to go thoroughly to the syllabus and study each topic of every subject.
AIBE 2024 Admit Card has been released on 15th December 2024. Candidates can get the AIBE admit card 2024 only through online mode from the website. There is no other mode to get the admit card.
AIBE (19) Syllabus 2024
The questions will be taken from 19 subjects. These subjects are divided into two categories, i.e. category-I and category-II. Category-I will contain 7 questions and Category-II will contain 23 questions. Candidates must also go through the previous year question papers to cover the syllabus. From below given table candidates can check the complete syllabus.
S. No. | Topic/Subject | Number of Questions |
1. | Constitutional Law | 10 |
2. | I.P.C (Indian Penal Code) | 8 |
3. | Cr.P.C (Criminal Procedure Code) | 10 |
4. | C.P.C (Code of Civil Procedure) | 10 |
5. | Evidence Act | 8 |
6. | Alternative Dispute Redressal including Arbitration Act | 4 |
7. | Family Law | 8 |
8. | Public Interest Litigation | 4 |
9. | Administrative Law | 3 |
10. | Professional Ethics & Cases of Professional Misconduct under BCI rules | 4 |
11. | Company Law | 2 |
12. | Environmental Law | 2 |
13. | Cyber Law | 2 |
14. | Labour & Industrial Laws | 4 |
15. | Law of Tort, including Motor Vehicle Act and Consumer Protection Law | 5 |
16. | Law related to Taxation | 4 |
17. | Law of Contract, Specific Relief, Property Laws, Negotiable Instrument Act | 8 |
18. | Land Acquisition Act | 2 |
19. | Intellectual Property Laws | 2 |
Total | 100 |
Also Check:
AIBE (XIX) Exam Pattern
The AIBE (19) exam pattern details is as mentioned below. The AIBE entrance exam is conducted through online & offline mode (OMR). The duration of the exam is about 3 hours and 30 minutes.
Candidates with more than 80% disability is provided extra 30 minutes to write the exam. It is conducted in 11 languages from which candidate have to choose only one language.
The Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) have asked in the examination. The complete questions paper will be of total 100 marks. Question paper comprise of two parts as Part I & Part II. Each correct answer consist of 1 mark. There is no negative marking in the examination.
If you have any other queries about AIBE (XIX) 2024 Syllabus, you can write your queries in the comment box given below.
Which bare acta will be allowed to use
AIB EXAM 2022,17th kb hogi pls reply
We will update it in our article when dates & details will be out officially.
मैंने 2016 में एल एल बी किया है । क्या मैं अब AIBE परीक्षा देनी होगी ॽ
Is aibe17 an open book exam?
& It would be very helpful if you suggest the best notes and books to study from
Any Sample Paper of AIBE
From where I can get the subject wise syllabus for AIBE?
Here is the direct link AIBE (XVI) Syllabus to check the same.
Any book for preparation?
It will be open book test?? Can u plz send site to fill form ?
Can i get some sample papers?
Sir the exam of aibe (16) april 2021examination is OPEN BOOK EXAM
Pls. Suggest me for prepration of aibe exam book which writers book is convinent.
Sir when will be the exam Bar Council of India. I have just completed LLB in feb 2021… Please tell about registration.. !!
This is totally unfairon our part why can’t we take our study material? Why only bare acts are allowed this time? This is so unfair
Dear sir I completed my LLB in1984. Now I want to do practice. Kindly have i to appear in AIBE 2021 compulsorily?PLEASE ANSWER.
Is there any book avail for the mentioned syllabus
I meant like subject wise
I have completed my law from Madhya Pradesh in October 2020 but Gujarat is my home state so can I do my registration from Gujarat Bar Association or I’ll have to be registered in M.P.
You will need a enrolment certificate issue by Stata bar council of any state. you can apply on the bases of origin of your enrolment certificate.